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 Second year of the Sustainable RIVER Project 

Summer 2018 

The participants chose to document their experience through a vlog. Below is an image of the participants and their names labels on the right side with the projects the were involved with. Video their vlog by click on the image.


Click the picture above to view their vlog.

2018 Participants

Leah Bayer and Dakota Swisher

Evaluated Nesting Success in Russian Olive and Native Trees along the Missouri River, SD

Drs. David Swanson and Mark Dixon

Luke Goodman

Damming of the Missouri River and its Effects on the False Map Turtles

Dr. Jacob Kerby

Marcella Jurotich

Suspended Sediment Load Contributions from Missouri River Tributaries

Dr. Mark Sweeney

Angela Tricomi

Mapping Terrestrial Land-use Changes

Dr. Brennan Jordan

Abby Vidmar

Ethnohistorical Relationships among American Indian Tribes

Dr. David Posthumus

Daniel Whirlwind Soldier

Evaluating Timing of Disturbance and Plant Functionality in the Control of Smooth Brome

Dr. Meghann Jarchow

Anela Napolean

Interactive Effects of Contaminants & Pathogens on Amphibians

Dr. Jacob Kerby

Tanner Hall and Pamela Jackson

Understanding Social Values of Residents in the Upper Missouri River Basin Towards their Landscapes

Dr. Meghann Jarchow

Yasmeen Sandoval

Effects of Invasive Fish on Missouri River Food Webs

Dr. Jeff Wesner​

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